Obama’s Priorities

Okay …

I paid particular attention to Obama’s speech the other night, especially the order in which he listed his priorities. They were as follows:

1. Jobs

2. Credit

3. Housing

That’s his order of importance … as he emphasized in his speech.

So, here’s the scenario:

1. The levee breaks. (The housing market crashes.)

2. Everything floods. (Credit dries up.)

3. Houses flood and people have to leave their homes. (People start loosing jobs and unemployment rises.)

Well, at least he got the middle one in the right order.

So …

We have a president who’s planning on spending money like crazy to buy mops while the levee is still broken and the river is flooding through.

I am constantly given the impression that many people in the country consider a Harvard degree the “sine qua non” for intelligence and brilliant thinking.

Didn’t George Bush have a Harvard degree also?

But George couldn’t even speak properly.

Well, neither can Caroline Kennedy.

But, Obama has a hoard of economic experts advising him that this is the way to revive the country.

Are these the same experts that were completely blindsided by the housing market crash? Hummmmmmmmm …

Don’t forget Obama also promised that Timothy Geithner would “shed the light” the next day. Obama didn’t want to “steal his thunder” by commenting on Geithner’s much anticipated speeches the next day. Whoah!!!

Let’s face it. Timothy Geithner is a lot more impressive at evading taxes than offering solutions to the country’s economic problems. The only thing impressive and overwhelming about Geitner’s “plans” is their lack of existence.

I’ve been quiet for over four months … for my own reasons, one being “blogging burnout”. But, so much of the inherent stupidity that I saw lurking in plain view if one only cleared the smoke and cleaned the mirrors is now all the more obvious.

Joe Biden chosen as Barrack Obama’s Cheney

Fox News has reported that Barack Obama has chosen Senator Joe Biden of Delaware to be his vice presidential running mate. This is confirmed on CNN.

Apparently,Barack Obama has finally admitted his weaknesses in experience, foreign policy and foreign affairs by choosing Joe Biden as his running mate.

Many Democrats and pundits on the left have frequently accused President George Bush of simply being a surrogate or puppet for Dick Cheney. Now they have found that they are already going to have to defend the selection of Joe Biden as Barack Obama’s running mate which is seen by many as an admission on Obama’s part regarding his deficiencies both in experience as well as foreign affairs.

Who better to choose for the position of vice president than the person, Joe Biden, who pointed out Obama’s obvious weaknesses so succinctly several months ago in a debate.

With Michelle Obama nearly calling the presidency her’s and Barack’s joint venture several weeks while speaking before military spouses at Norfolk, VA and her scheduled to be a prominent speaker at the upcoming Democratic convention, a person has to wonder whether the presidency will be occupied by one person or a triumvirate.

Looking at that threesome, one has to wonder who the actual lightweight in the group actually is. It’s definitely not Joe Biden and Michelle Obama seems very able to handle herself. So who does that leave?

Now, answer me this. When Barack Obama gets that call at 3:00 in the morning, is he going to roll over and ask Michelle what she thinks … or Joe what he thinks … or Michelle and Joe what they think? Politics certainly does make strange bedfellows.