Joe Andrew Again: Joe Claims He had an Epiphany


This guy’s weird! Literally.

On Fox and Friends this morning, Joe Andrew basically stated in a live interview … I’m mentioning all of this because he also didn’t appear drugged … that he woke up one morning this week and decided that Barack Obama was the best candidate for the Democrats, that he has been inspired by Barack Obama like he was inspired by Bill Clinton back in the 1990’s.

It appears that, somehow, Joe found Barack’s repudiation of Jeremiah Wright inspiring. I’m a little reluctant to say awe inspiring because I would use Joe’s timing for changing his endorsement to be an act invoking awe.

While most sane Americans are raising questions in their minds about the suitability of Barack Obama to be president because of his extremely tardy and still rather lackluster repudiation and comdemnation of Jeremiah Wright and then, it appears, only because Wright basically called Obama a liar … a response to a personal attack and not necessarily a response to all of Wright’s other outrages … well … Joe finally gets an epiphany.

Does anyone other than myself get the impression that Joe’s timing chain is skipping a little?

Well, I think Joe’s been sitting at idle for a long time and his brain misfired repeatedly this week.

“Putt,putt, POW! … putt, putt, putt, POW! … Putt, putt, putt …”

Get a tune up, Joe. The smoke is clouding your mirror.

Joe Andrew: Obama Doesn’t Pander for Political Gain

This is supposed to be a quote from Joe Andrew regarding his switch as a super delegate from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama.

Major Clinton backer switches to Obama


Exactly what is he referring to?

As a former Democratic National Chairman appointed by Bill Clinton, he should know about political pandering.

Okay, someone help me out. What am I missing? It has to be something as obvious as that fly which has been attracted to that brown stuff on the end of Joe’s nose.

What pandering is Hillary doing? Is it her appearance on the O’Reilly Factor? Is that pandering to the moderate Democrats and Independents that watch Fox News? But Obama was on Fox with Chris Wallace Sunday so it couldn’t be that.

Maybe he was referring to Obama finally “standing up” to Jeremiah Wright and Obama is no longer pandering to him. Well, Obama may no longer be on his knees before Wright but I wouldn’t exactly call what he’s done “standing up”. There’s a lot of space between kneeling and being upright.

In his statement this morning Joe seemed to be referring to Hillary Clinton’s agreement with John McCain to eliminate the gas tax this summer as pandering. Supposedly, Obama did the same several years ago. That may be an excuse but it doesn’t float as a reason. Frankly, if that was the straw that finally broke Joe’s support for Hillary, it’s obvious that his support has been nominal and on the skinny for a long time.

My advice to Hillary would be to take names and watch your back. Loyalty among Democrats … that’s sort of like military intelligence, right? Except … it’s to the party … individuals are expendable.

Who knows …

It could be that Joe is just the most recent person to be asked to slit his wrists in the name of trying to salvage the Obama campaign which seems to happen each time something comes up that might threaten to cause it to implode.

I’m really getting curious. who’s the power broker or man or men with the money behind the scenes who are pulling the strings?

After listening to Joe’s speech this morning, it became obvious that’s he’s just another lawyer who isn’t that bright and has to have someone to tell him what to do.